journal #2: Digital Communication.

BBT 10

1. what i found more surprising is that  if you don't  answer your email or message with in 24 hours its consider to me rude., i dont think i over used my smartphone by texting my friends when im with them bc i dont text them when im with them. i like face to face communication better then texting or social media i only have social media because i hve friends from other coutries that i would like to keep contact with them like with max, callum,calum abi,bryn,naomi,charlie,paolina,santiago, ect.

3. Blind Carbon Copy (BCC) is an option available in most email clients that allows the sender to send the message to a list of BCC addresses (in addition to primary recipients) without other addressees knowing about that fact. BCC addresses are concealed from recipients, including others on the BCC list.

4. i think that young people like as should only use BCC whn we need to sent or talk to someone from long distance or when we need someones opinion for something but not 24/7.


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