jurnal entry #3
Journal Entry #3 (Digital Rights and Responsibilities)
1. what i find most surprising is that a lot of people are not using facebook, instargram and twitter as much as snapchat. most of the people are on snapchat instead of any other social media because snapchat is a new app where you can post stuff and it will stay there for 24 hours and it lets you see your friends stories too and comment on them and you can also message them on snapchat.
2. i don't think that most people act responsible when they are on line because you can still have pure -pressure on social media for example, if they ask you to do something and you don't want to do it then they wont talk to you again and unfriend you from there friends list but at the same time you want them to like you and to keep talking to you because you either like them or they are your best friends so you decided to do it because you didn't wanted to loose them.
3. the most important commandment to me it would be don't post or share private information on social media because you never know who is watching your stuff. it could be strangers from another countries. for example, like strangers from other countries are following me on facebook without me even knowing or accepting them on facebook as my friends.they don't appeared on my facebook friends list because they are behind the screen on my facebook. so they are watching everything i post on facebook and my friends post too.
4. the biggest issue around digital rights and responsibilities a mong people is that now that we have social media less people are going outside because they are to busy on there technology and it feels like we dont have responsibilities anymore because we are always on social media and we let the parents do everything for us, but as we grow older we are going to realize tht technology wasnt worth it because it took all of our time instead of focusing on our oarents and family. we should be able to spend sometime with our parenys because one day we wont be having them in our lives and someday hopefully it doesnt happend any sooner but they will die someday and will be regretting it because when we where younger we didnt spend much time with them because we where to busy on our technology.
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